Cutting-edge CSS Features

Gaining control of Web Design

Razvan Caliman / @razvancaliman


  • CSS Regions
  • CSS Blending
  • CSS Shapes

CSS Regions

illustration of content flowing from one region to another

illustration of complex layout with regions

  .content {
    /* collect content into a named flow */
    flow-into: myFlow;

  .region {
    /* render the content from the named flow */
    flow-from: myFlow;

Illustration of flows and regions
Demo of CSS Regions with viewport-height units. CSS Regions with viewport height units

Markup Separation

  <!-- content: semantic markup -->

  <!-- layout: helper markup -->
  <div class="region"></div>
  <div class="region"></div>
  <div class="region"></div>  

Illustration of adaptive web app UI with CSS Regions Adaptive web app UI with CSS Regions

Aggregate content

  /* collect content from different places */
  header nav, 
  footer a {
    flow-into: menuFlow;

  #menu {
    flow-from: menuFlow;

Regions are only
Visual Containers

CSS Regions Status

W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Microsoft

Webkit browser logo
Chrome browser logo
Internet Explorer browser logo

CSS Blending

simple alpha compositing

blend-mode: overlay



blended result

Blend modes

  • normal
  • screen
  • multiply
  • overlay
  • darken
  • lighten
  • color-dodge
  • color-burn
  • hard-light
  • soft-light
  • difference
  • exclusion
  • hue
  • saturation
  • color
  • luminosity

Background Blending

  /* blend background images of the same element */                
  .element {
    background: url(image1.jpg), url(image2.jpg);
    background-blend-mode: overlay;

Element Blending

  div { background-image: url(texture.png); }
  p {
    mix-blend-mode: overlay;
    font-family: "Mythos Std";

CSS Compositing and Blending Status

W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Canon

Webkit browser logo
Chrome browser logo
Firefox browser logo

Shapes in CSS

CSS Shapes

Shape Inside

  /* wrap the content inside a circle */
  #content { 
    shape-inside: circle(50%, 50%, 10em)

Shape Outside

  #coffee {
    float: left;
    shape-outside: circle(50%, 50%, 10em);

Complex shapes

    /* shape defined by points of a polygon */
    shape-inside: polygon(x1, y1 x2, y2 ... );
    /* shape defined by the alpha levels of an image */
    shape-inside: url(image.png);
    shape-image-threshold: 0.5;
Enhancing Visual Storytelling with CSS Shapes

CSS Shapes status

W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Microsoft

Webkit browser logo
Chrome browser logo
Chrome Canary browser logo

CSS Regions

illustration of content flowing from one region to another

CSS Blending

CSS Shapes



CSS Masking

clipping vs masking


  .element {
    /* clip the element to a circle */
    clip-path: circle(50%, 50%, 10em);

Clipping with SVG

    .element {
      /* clip the element using SVG */
      clip-path: url(#clipping);

      <clipPath id="clipping">
        <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="10"></circle>
        <path d="M90,30c0-5.523-4.477-10 ..."/>


  .element {
    /* use an image as a mask */
    mask-image: url(mask.png);

Masking with SVG

    .element {
      /* use a <mask> element as mask */
      mask-image: url(#mask);

      <mask id="mask">
        <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="10"></circle>

CSS Masking Status

W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Mozilla, Google

Webkit browser logo
Chrome browser logo
Firefox browser logo
CSS Masking on


Adobe Web Platform blog

CSS Regions

CSS Shapes
